11 Ways to Get Rid of Skunks Fast

Skunks like to dig for grubs and make holes in the ground for their dens. Skunk repellent granules can be used in this condition since they can't readily remove them because they're solid and blend with the dirt. You need to sprinkle a handful into existing skunk holes, and they will emit a scent to repel skunks.

Skunks are scavengers, which means that they will eat just about anything they come across. Therefore, you want to get rid of fruits, birdseed, subterranean grubs, unsecured garbage, and anything else that might serve as a food source. You will also want to screen off existing structures that may serve as shelters such as porches and decks and also clear overgrown shrubbery and bushes. Use a sturdy garbage can that is not easy to tip over and ensure it is always secured with a lid. Never leave garbage sitting outside the trash cans since this is an open invitation to all types of wildlife, including skunks and raccoons. One of our favorite remedies to keep skunks away from your backyard is ammonia.

STEP 2. Seal Holes

To prevent this, bury weave fences or hardware cloth about two inches below the ground. Bend the mesh/hardware into an L-shape or right angle and extend it at least 12 inches outward or away from the location. Dog urine is effective in keeping away skunks as they are their known natural predators. If you can find a way to collect urine from your furry friend, then try this technique. Once you have enough spray it in the skunk-prone areas of your yard.

how do you keep skunks away from your home

Don’t rely on natural skunk repellents.Most aren't considered particularly effective. Applications of citrus oils, castor oil or predator urine have had limited degrees of success. Cayenne pepper and other hot pepper solutions may or may not be effective and pose a threat to children and pets who come into contact with them.

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Their favorite entry spot under our house is about 8’ from the pole. Our local trapper charges $100 per trap just to set the trap, and another $150 to haul away the animal once it is caught in the trap. We just found a whole family of skunks under our barn, I think I will attempt to repel them first before I pay several hundreds of $$$$ to remove them from the barn.

Some chemical products are potentially hazardous, and using them could cause neurological problems such as tremors, seizures, or even death. Even though the problem persists, you need to apply any of the various skunk repellents available that have proven beneficial. Using these techniques mostly does not let these animals near. Fill the hole with loose dirt and but make it if it is alive he can dig out and if it is dead the hole is covered. If this is a crawlspace you need to find out where the smell comes from and spray it with a lot of that solution.

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You have to know the short falls of being a skunk..I cant see well, and will not spray it self inside covered cage….. I live in a relatively dense neighborhood so can’t just run it out, the problem will surely be back. The one I saw last night was big and didn’t seem to care to avoid me heading to the car. Many years ago, we had a momma skunk nest in the cellar window well.

how do you keep skunks away from your home

Let the DIY skunk repellent cool off a little before transferring the contents to a medium-sized spray bottle. Skunks prefer to take shelter under your deck or in piles of chopped wood on the side of your house, and mothballs deter them. Skunks hate the pungent odor that mothballs and predator urine give off, so they avoid taking shelter in areas with these scents.

Keeping Skunks Away from Your Home with a Cayenne Pepper Mixture

Just put several bowls of vinegar around the house interior & pour vinegar outside where ever you detect the origin. It worked amazingly for us & it’s cheap & non-toxic, hope it works for you too. Wow..thats great fried chicken ,I would go broke… Just put trap right in front of hole. Then take the skunk to the Downtown , were they make the laws and let them in joy them… Peace fellow trapper. Not sure what your talking about I am a commercial trapper that euthanize animals every day .

how do you keep skunks away from your home

The one benefit to having them around is that they eat insects like beetles and worms that may harm our plants. Regardless, they are a nuisance, and most people don’t enjoy having these pests around. Additionally, sprinklers scare a skunk when they are motion-activated, making them perfect as a natural deterrent. Skunk spray contains a mixture of chemicals that are sulfur-based, which causes the undesirable scent.

Skunks are omnivores, alternating between eating small animals and plants depending on the season. They commonly eat earthworms, grubs, and insects, so they tend to dig in your yard in search of these food sources. Skunks also frequently indulge in nuts, berries, and leaves.

If you end up with a skunk living on or near your property, you shouldn’t panic. You really shouldn’t try to approach or remove it yourself. Instead, you should follow proper skunk safety procedure to get yourself out of the situation before it gets… stinky. Click here to hire us in your town and check prices - updated for year 2020. Before we get into remedies to get rid of the skunks, you can learn more about skunks from our posts like where do skunks liveand skunk mating season. At Wildlife X Team®, we offer worry-free opossum removal and trapping.

Make sure trap action works..then peanutbutter behind trap pan , smear the peanutbutter on out the trap. Take to a safe shooting area ..Skunks have a LARGE chance of rabies and you can die only when in contact with mouth.. When you cover it make sure your handle is there..bunge cord work well..and when you catch one take it and shoot it point blank with 22 bird shot in head .. Your neighbors are irresponsible for letting the cat outside. These products are a safe and natural way to keep smelly mammals away from your property.

If they are disturbed at night then they will probably not be disturbed again. It may require structural alterations or fencing and blocking all access to their habitat. Once you identify where they have made their habitat around your home, destroy it or block the opening using wood, concrete, sheet metal, or chicken wire. These animals are susceptible to rabies and mostly carry it around.

How to Keep Skunks Away from Your Yard with Ammonia

Information about skunk trapping - analysis and methods for how to trap. While earthworms are great for soil health, earthworms and grubs also happen to be a favorite skunk snack. The only thing worse than having skunks invade your yard is having them invade your home! Be sure to fix all holes in doors, cracks in the foundation, or any other opening a skunk could crawl into. If a skunk finds its way into your home, be sure to contact us. Here at Kidadl, we have carefully created lots of interesting family-friendly facts for everyone to enjoy!

Ultrasonic pulses or sprays of water released by the electronic system are the best in scaring skunks away and remaining consistent at it. They cost around $25 to $50 and can be found online or in hardware stores. Skunks being around your home can present several health hazards.


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